Agora-SHS Ateliers gouvernance et recherche Appliquée
Nouméa, Friday 19 July 2024

Sciences Sociales Nouvelle Calédonie Sciences Humaines

Participants AGORA-SHS-3

This seminar is directed primarily towards researchers, students, education professionals (educational authorities, management personnel, teachers), teacher trainers at the IUFM, IFMNC and ENEP, publishers of teaching aids in Oceanian languages (ALK, CDPNC, private-sector publishers) and political authorities.

The programme will consist of a combination of scientific presentations and exchanges of experiences. Conference-Debates organised in the evening will also make it possible to meet and inform the general public about the themes of local languages at school and of plurilingualism.

The seminar will welcome around twenty invited participants, researchers or members of institutions from other communities of the Pacific: French Polynesia, Wallis and Futuna, Australia, New Zealand, Samoa, Tonga, Vanuatu…


Colloques AGORA Agora manifestations scientifiques

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