Agora Ateliers gouvernance et recherche Appliquée
Nouméa, Friday 19 July 2024

Sciences Sociales Nouvelle Calédonie Sciences Humaines
Conference Agora-SHS-3

The Plurilingual School in the Communities of the Pacific

International Seninar : 18 – 27 octobre 2010 - Nouméa – New Caledonia

The Pacific region contains approximately two thousand languages, one third of the languages spoken in the world. Certain island states in the region exhibit a strong ethno-linguistic homogeneity and have a small proportion of foreign-born and minority language speaking groups (Tonga, Samoa…). But in most of the communities of the Pacific, sociolinguistic situations are very complex, with a great deal of indigenous linguistic diversity, especially in Melanesia, and a significant contribution (...)


Conférences publiques / public lectures

Pour le contenu audio des conférences, se reporter, dans la rubrique "Actes du séminaire" aux fichiers audio qui terminent la journée / To access the recording of the conference, go to the section "Actes du Séminaire", dowload the audio files which are the last ones for each day. Orateur : John McCaffery, senior lecturer, University of Auckland (Te Kura o nga Matatini o nga Reo me nga Toi/School of Arts Languages and Literacies) Résumé de la conférence : Le bilinguisme était considéré (...)


Institutional partners

Académie des langues kanak Agence nationale de la Recherche Australian National University Centre de documentation pédagogique de la Nouvelle-Calédonie Direction de l’enseignement de la Nouvelle-Calédonie Directions provinciales de l’enseignement : DEFIJ, DEJ, DES Direction de l’enseignement primaire de la Polynésie française Gouvernement de la Nouvelle-Calédonie Institut de Formation des Maîtres de Nouvelle-Calédonie Institut Universitaire de Formation des Maîtres de l’Université de la (...)



Ballarin & Fotutata
Wallis et Futuna
Delvin, Brian
Dr Brian Devlin Contact details: School of Education, Charles Darwin University, Darwin NT 0909, Australia Bilingual, bicultural and biliteracy education in the Northern Territory, Australia: 1980-2010
Bilingual, bicultural and biliteracy education in theNorthern Territory, Australia: 1980-2010 Abstract
The national Government established bilingual programsin some remote NT Schools in the mid 1970s. By 1980bilingual (...)


Organising committee

Claire Colombel, CNEP, UNC Véronique Fillol, CNEP, UNC Stéphanie Geneix, Académie des Langues Kanak Weniko Ihage, Académie des Langues Kanak Isabelle Nocus, LABECD, Université de Nantes Emma Reynolds, CNEP, UNC & Pacific French Research Centre, University of Auckland Marie Salaün, IRIS, EHESS & Paris 9 Serge Tcherkezoff, EHESS & CREDO, Président du réseau Agora-SHS Darrell Tryon, Australian National University Jacques Vernaudon, CNEP, UNC Eddy Wadrawane, IUFM de l’UNC Michel Wauthion, (...)


Participants AGORA-SHS-3

This seminar is directed primarily towards researchers, students, education professionals (educational authorities, management personnel, teachers), teacher trainers at the IUFM, IFMNC and ENEP, publishers of teaching aids in Oceanian languages (ALK, CDPNC, private-sector publishers) and political authorities.
The programme will consist of a combination of scientific presentations and exchanges of experiences. Conference-Debates organised in the evening will also make it possible to meet (...)


Program summary

L’école plurilingue dans les communautés du Pacifique / MultilingualSchool in Pacific Communities
Nouméa, 18 - 21 octobre 2010


Seminar objectives

Since 2006, New Caledonia has been progressively extending the teaching of Kanak languages and culture throughout primary schools. New Caledonian programmes also envisage an introduction to the languages of the Asia-Pacific region. In February 2010, the country launched the “Great Debate on the Future of the New Caledonian School”, in which one of the questions is the recognition of student diversity. This seminar will provide a double insight into the place of Oceanian languages and of early (...)


Seminar Proceedings

Bialystok, E. (2001). Bilingualism in Development : Language, Literacy and Cognition. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.
Skutnabb-Kangas T., Maffi L., Harmon D. (2003). Partager un monde de différence. La diversité linguistique, culturelle et biologique de la Terre. Paris : UNESCO, Terralingua & WWF.
Cummins, J. & Corson, D. (1997). Bilingual education. Vol. 5, International Encyclopedia of Language and Education. Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Greene, J. (1997). (...)


Seminar Proceedings

These encounters will result in the publication of seminar proceedings and the creation of pages integrated into the website of the Academy of Kanak Languages, with contributions, oral presentations, in French, English or Oceanian Languages, as well as recordings of the workshops made available online. The published documents will be peer-reviewed and selected by a scientific committee.
Les fichiers audio qui terminent la journée/The audio files which are the last ones for each day (...)


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